*BERGAMOT E.O (Citrus bergamia):

Bergamot Essential Oil Is Derived From The Zest Of The Citrus Bergamia Fruit Peels. It Loaded with Flavonoids That Soothe And Calm Skin. Due To The Antibacterial Properties Of Bergamot Essential Oil, It Can Hinder The Growth Of Bacteria And Prevent Future Infection. It’s Particularly Good For Oily Skin, because It Assists In Balancing Sebum Levels And Unclogging/Minimizing Pores. It Is Especially Good For Those With Oily And Acne Prone Skin.   

Smells: Spicy/Sweet, Citrusy, Floral And Fresh. Top Note. 


    • Has Balancing Properties That Regulates Oil Production
    • Combats Bacteria and Infections 
    • Purifies And Cleanses Skin
    • Soothes And Protects All Skin Complexions
Cold Pressed/Unrefined Fruit Peels/Zest Italy


Color: Light Yellow To Dark Green

Shelf Life: 3 Years (Before Potency Starts To Fade)   

*= 100% Organic