*ORANGE (SWEET) E.O (Citrus sinensis)

Sweet Orange Essential Oil Is Cold Pressed From The Peels Of Citrus Sinensis. This Essential Oil Is Loaded With Antioxidants And Vitamins, Specifically C. These Help Fight Free Radicals Which Are Responsible For Accelerated Premature Aging. Also, By Improving Collagen Production, It Reduces The Wrinkles And Keeps The Skin Supple And Clean. It Hydrates, Nourishes, And Provides The Skin With Necessary Vitamins To Aid In Radiant Skin. This Essential Oil Is Especially Good For Those With Dry, Chapped Skin.  

Smells:  Sweet And Pleasant Citrus Aroma. Top Note.  


    • Nourishes Dry, Irritated And Acne-prone Skin 
    • Reduction Of Blemishes, Scars And spots 
    • Anti-aging effects 
    • Provides Vitamin C 
Cold Pressed Peels/Rinds USA


Color: Orange-Yellow Or Orange-Brown 

Shelf Life: 1 Year (Before Potency Starts To Fade)  

*= 100% Organic